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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


It is strongly recommended that the authors consult the guidelines of journal. Humanities, Social Sciences and Linguistics (HSL) follows the American Psychological Association (APA) format.

Submission and Publication fees: 

�??free submission fee for manuscripts submitted until December 31, 2022.

�??free publication fee for manuscripts submitted until December 31, 2022.

Editorial standards for publishing in Humanities, Social Sciences and Linguistics

Complete manuscripts can be submitted in English or Portuguese, but will be published only in English. If accepted for publication, papers submitted in Portuguese must be translated to English.

The corresponding author is responsible for the quality of the English.  Authors may indicate who did the translation and/or review in English in the field Comments to the Editor.

If applicable, when research project that originated the article was performed according to ethics standards under approval from an ethics committee involving humans, the commission name, institution, and process number should be stated.

Categories of Manuscripts

a) Scientific article: maximum of 40 pages, including figures, tables, and references.

b) Review article: maximum of 60 pages, including figures, tables, and references.

Presentation of the Work

Complete original scientific articles, short communications, and review articles should be written in Portuguese or English using Microsoft Word for Windows, on A4-size paper, with lines numbered per page, 1.5 spacing between lines, Times New Roman font, size 11 normal, 2 cm margins on all sides, with pages numbered on the upper right corner and following the guidelines for the maximum number of pages according to the category of the work.

Figures (drawings, graphics, and photographs) and tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals, should be included at the end of the work immediately after the references, and should be cited within the text. In addition, the figures must be of good quality and must be attached in their original format (JPEG, TIFF, etc.) in Docs Sup on the submission page.

If the figures and tables have greater dimensions that A4-size paper, they will be reduced during the editorial process to the above-mentioned dimension. For any tables and figures which are not of the author�??s original work, a citation to the source consulted is mandatory. Place this citation below the table or figure and indicate using a smaller font (Times New Roman 10).

Ex: Fonte: HSL (2021), or Source: HSL (2021).

Manuscript preparation

Scientific article:

Scientific articles should report results of original research on the related areas, with the sections organized in the following way: Title in English; Title in Portuguese; Abstract in English with keywords (maximum six words, in alphabetic order); Abstract in Portuguese with keywords (maximum six words, in alphabetical order); Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion, Conclusions; Acknowledgements; and References. The headings should be in boldface without numbering. If there is a need to include a sub-heading within a section, it should be placed in italics, and if there are further sub-topics to include under a sub-heading, these should be numbered with Arabic numerals. (Example: Results and Discussion, Physical-chemical parameters, 1. Acidity, 2. Profile of sugars, 3. Minerals, 4. Color)

The submitted work cannot have been published elsewhere with the same content, except in the form of an Abstract in Scientific Events, Introductory Notes, or Reduced Format.

The work should be presented in the following order:

1. Title of the work, clear and as short as possible.

2. Abstract and Keywords: An informative abstract with a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words must be included, in the same language used in the text of the article.

3. Introduction: The introduction must be concise and contain only the review that is strictly necessary to introduce the topic and support the methodology and discussion.
If possible, use recent bibliographies. Include old references (over 10 years old) only when they are very important for the manuscript being written.

4. Materials and Methods: This section may be presented in a continuous, descriptive way or with sub-headings to allow the reader to understand and be able to repeat the methodology cited with or without the support of reference citations.

5. Results and Discussion: This section must be presented in a clear way, with the aid of tables, graphs, and figures, so that it does not raise any questions for the reader with regard to the authenticity of the results and points of view discussed.

6. Conclusions: These must be clear and presented according to the objectives proposed in the work.

7. Acknowledgements: People, institutions, and companies that contributed to the work should be mentioned at the end of the text, before the References section.


Figures: The figures that are deemed essential will be accepted and should be cited in the text by their numeric order, in Arabic numerals. If any submitted illustrations have already been published, the source and permission for publication should be stated.

Tables: Tables should be accompanied by a header that will allow understanding of the data collected without the need to use the body of the text for reference.


8. In-text author citations

The APA Rules use the author-date system for indirect citations, that is, author's last name, comma, and year of publication. The page numbe is only entered when there is a direct citation. In this case, the surname of the cited author, comma, year, comma followed by "p." And the page number

When in the citations, the authors are outside the parentheses, always use "e" (Portuguese); and "And" (English); to separate the penultimate from the last cited author. The "&" is always inserted between the penultimate and last author when cited in parentheses and in references.



A work by two authors: Name both authors in the signal phrase or in parentheses each time you cite the work. Use the word "and" between the authors' names within the text and use the ampersand in parentheses.

Exemple: The results by Hiromoto and Vello (1986) confirmed that ....
(Hiromoto & Vello, 1986)

Two or more works by the same author in the same year: use lower-case letters (a, b, c) with the year to order the entries in the reference list. Use the lower-case letters with the year in the in-text citation.

Ex: (Porter, 1999a, 1999b, 1999c)

Authors with the same last name: To prevent confusion, use first initials with the last names.

(E. Johnson, 2001; L. Johnson, 1998)

Two or more works by the same author with different publication dates (Chronological order).

Ex: Segundo Porter (1986, 1991, 1999, 2000),

Figure 1: basic in-text citation styles.

Exemples of citations from one to six or more authors:


Type of Citation

Signal Prhase

Parenthetical Reference

1st Use of Source

Subsequent use of Source

1st Use of Source

Subsequent use of Source

1-2 authors

Minosso and Toso (2019)

Minosso and Toso (2019)

(Minosso & Toso, 2019)

(Minosso & Toso, 2019)

3-5 authors

Lopes, Meier and Rodrigues (2019)

Lopes et al. (2019)

(Lopes, Meier, & Rodrigues, 2019)

(Lopes et al., 2019)

6 or more authors

Werner et al. (2017)

Werner et al. (2017)

(Werner et al., 2017)

(Werner et al., 2017)

Organization w/ identifiable abbreviation

Instituto Brasileiro de Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT) (2018)


IBICT (2018)


(Instituto Brasileiro de Ciência e Tecnologia [IBICT], 2018)


(IBICT, 2018)

Organization w/o abbreviation

Simply Cats (2019)

Simply Cats (2019)

(Simply Cats, 2019)

(Simply Cats, 2019)

Reference exemples: 

All the authors participating in a referenced study must be mentioned, regardless of the number of participants

Scientific article:

Berndt, T. J. (2002). Friendship quality and social development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 7-10.

More than one author - List by their last names and initials. Use the ampersand.

Adair, J. G., & Vohra, N. (2003). The explosion of knowledge, references, and citations: Psychology�??s unique response to a crisis. American Psychologist, 58(1), 15�??23. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.58.1.15

Pereira, G.P, Sequinatto, l., Caten, A., & Mota, M. (2019). VIS-NIR
spectral reflectance for discretization of soils with high sand contente.  Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 40(1),99-112. doi: 10.5433/1679-

Wegener, D. T., & Petty, R. E. (1994). Mood management across affective
states: The hedonic contingency hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 1034-1048. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.66.6.1034

Electronic Article:

Santos, C. P., & Fernandes, D. H. von der (2007). A recuperação de serviços e seu efeito na confiança e lealdade do cliente. RAC-Eletrônica, 1(3), 35-51. Retrieved from


Kashdan, T., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2014). The upside of your dark side.
New York, NY: Hudson Street Press.

Book Chapter

Serviss, G. P. (1911). A trip of terror. In A Columbus of space (pp. 17-32). New York, NY: Appleton.

Electronic Book Chapter 

Shuhua, L. (2007). The Night of Midautumn Festival. In J. S. M. Lau & H. 
Goldblatt (Eds.), The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature
(pp. 95-102). New York, NY: Columbia University Press. Retrieved from

Organization as Author

American Psychiatric Association. (1988). DSM-III-R, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (3rd ed. rev.). Washington, DC: Author.


Lei n. 11.638, de 28 de setembro de 2007. Altera e revoga dispositivos da Lei n. 6.404, de 15 de dezembro de 1976, e da Lei n. 6.385, de 7 de dezembro de 1976, e estende às sociedades de grande porte disposições relativas à elaboração e divulgação de demonstrações financeiras. Retrieved from

Citations of annals, proceedings, dissertations and theses will not be accepted in the references.


The accuracy and adequacy of references for works that have been consulted and mentioned in the texts of the scientific articles, as well as opinions, concepts, and statements, are entirely the responsibility of the authors.

Note: Consult recently published issues of Humanities, Social Sciences and Linguistics for more details about how to format references in the scientific article.

The remaining categories of works (Short Communication, and Review article) must follow the above-mentioned standards but with the following additional directions for each category:

Review articles

Review articles must involve relevant topics within the scope of the journal. The number of review articles per issue is limited, and authors can only write review articles of interest to the journal. If a review article is submitted by an author, the inclusion of relevant results from the author or from the group involved in the study is required, along with references demonstrating experience and knowledge about the topic.

A review article must contain the following sections: Title; Abstract with Keywords; Development of the proposed topic (the text may be divided into sections, but this is not required); Conclusions or Final Considerations; Acknowledgements (if applicable); and References.

Other important information

1. The publication of manuscripts depends on the favorable opinion of ad hoc advisors and the approval of the Humanities, Social Sciences and Linguistics Editorial Board.

2. Reprints will not be given to the authors, since the issues will be available online at the journal�??s website.

3. Copyright transfer: The authors agree with the transfer of publication rights of the manuscript to the journal. Reproduction of the articles is only allowed when the source is cited.

4. Unforeseen questions about or problems in the present standards will be addressed by the Editor.

5. Number of authors: There is no limit to the number of authors, but people included as co-authors should have effectively participated in the study. People with limited participation in the study or the manuscript preparation should be cited in the Acknowledgements section, as should institutions that granted scholarships and other financial resources.

6. Include the ORCID of all authors approved for publication. The ORCID identifier can be obtained from the ORCID record. You must accept the standards for iD ORCID presentation and include the full URL (for example:

Submission conditions

At least one of the authors of the manuscript must necessarily be a PhD or doctor (equivalent to PhD).

As part of our submission process, the Corresponding Author should verify that the submission conforms to all of the items listed below.

The authors should state that the contribution is original and new and that it is not being assessed for publication elsewhere.

  1. The authors should also state that the material is correctly formatted and that the Supplementary Documents are attached.
  2. Corresponding Author is responsable for all contents, including co-authors participation.

Use the button �??include author.�?� 

In the following step, please fill in the metadata in English.

The authorship identification of the work should be removed from the archive and from Word using the �??Properties�?� option in order to ensure the anonymity criteria of the journal, in case the article is subjected to peer review, according to the directions available at Ensuring a blind peer review, featuring double blind format.

The files for submission should be in Word format (as long as they do not exceed 2 MB).

The text should be typed on A4 paper, with numbered lines, 1.5 line spacing, and Times New Roman (size 12) font.

Confirm that all ethical standards were followed if the research was performed with living beings. Include proof documents of approval by an institutional ethics committee involving humans, if these documents are requested. Compliance with the applicable ethical precepts should be cited in the text body.

Copyright Notice

Since the manuscripts published in this journal are open access, the articles may be used freely, with their own attributions, for private use and for educational purposes.

The journal has the right to make changes on a normative, orthographic, and grammatical level in the original manuscripts, with the aim of maintaining proper standard use of the language and the credibility of the journal. Nevertheless, the writing style of the authors will be respected.

Alterations, corrections, or suggestions at a conceptual level, when necessary, will be directed to the authors.

The opinions expressed by the authors of the manuscripts are their exclusive responsibility.

Privacy Statement

The names and affiliations reported in this journal are used exclusively for the services provided and are not made available for any other purpose or to third parties.