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Author Guidelines


We strongly recommend that the authors consult the guidelines of journal. Agronomy Science and Biotechnology (ASB) is using since January 2020 the American Psychological Association (APA) format.

Submission and Publication fees: 

Free submission fee for well-prepared manuscripts submitted until July 31, 2023.

Free publication fee for well-prepared manuscripts submitted until July 31, 2023.

Submission fees: There is not submission fees.

Manuscript publication fee

To provide Open Access, ASB uses a business model to offset expenses, including those of peer review management, journal production, and online hosting and archiving, by charging manuscript-processing fees to the authors, institutions, or research funders for each manuscript published. The manuscript-processing fee applied by ASB consists of a Publication Fee. Fee is per manuscript and may be paid separately. There are no additional charges based on color, article length, figures, or other elements.

Manuscripts that are considered relevant for publication will be subject to a publication fee. Designated corresponding author will be informed by e-mail that the manuscript is accepted along with the payment request. The corresponding author so-named in the submitted manuscript is responsible for arranging fee payment.

Publication fee (January 23 onwards):

  • US$ 350.00 for authors from countries other than Brazil by PayPal.
  •  R$ 800,00 for Brazilian authors by Banco Santander.

 Payments may be made by:

  • PayPal  - for authors from countries other than Brazil.

Send the amount to EDITORA MECENAS's PayPal account to,

  •  Deposit / Transfer to Banco Santander - only for Brazilian authors

Beneficiário: Editora Mecenas Eireli.
CNPJ   05.517.284/0001-01
Banco Inter
Agência 0001
Conta corrente 18268674-4

Editorial standards for publishing in Agronomy Science and Biotechnology

Complete manuscripts can be submitted in Portuguese or English, howerver they will be published in English only. Articles that are submitted in Portuguese, if accepted for publication, they will have to be translated into English.

The corresponding author is responsible for the quality of the english.

The corresponding author should indicate who did the writing and/or translation and/or review in English in the end of the manuscript (English by: ...).

Where appropriate, if the research project that originated the article was performed according to biosafety and ethics technical standards under approval from an ethics committee involving humans and/or an ethics committee involving animals, the commission name, institution, and process number should be stated.

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The names and email addresses on this website are used exclusively for the the journal purposes and are not available for any other use.