Cultivation of maize in different environments and their effects on agronomic traits
The objective of this work was to show which traits are influenced by the interaction genotype x irrigated environment, to reveal trends of linear associations in each environment and to identify genotypic variation through canonical variable analysis in maize. The experiment was conducted in Campos Borges �?? RS. The experimental design used was randomized blocks organized in a factorial scheme, being two cultivation environment (dry environment characterized only by the availability of rainwater; irrigated environment where a 15 mm layer of water was applied ten days apart the crop cycle, from seedling emergence to physiological maturity stage) x 13 hybrids of maize, arranged in three replicates. The traits plant height, insertion of ear height, mass of one thousand grains and grains yield are influenced by the genotypes x environments interaction. The irrigated environment presents superiority in relation to dry environment for all the traits studied. In general, the genotype G9 performs better than others. The irrigated environment presents superiority than dry environment, in relation to the traits plant height, insertion of ear height, mass of one thousand grains, grain yield per hectare, ear length, ear diameter, ear mass, grains mass per ear and number of grains per ear row.
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