Edaphoclimatic variables in determining flaxseed yield
Flaxseed is an oil plant, belonging to the Linaceae family, of an autogamous species. The objective of this work is to evaluate grain yield through edaphoclimatic variables, which are descriptive of field, soil and climate in relation to the production of the line in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The trial was carried out at the Regional Institute of Rural Development (IRDeR), belonging to the Regional University of the Northwest of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Unijuí); the experimental design used was that of randomized blocks, organized in a factorial scheme of 5 application moments x 5 doses of nitrogen in 3 replications, totaling 75 experimental units. The traits evaluated were grain yield in relation to the soil, climate and field attributes. Grain yield is directly and indirectly influenced by base saturation at pH 7.0 and soil compaction, and also by the maximum temperature and minimum temperature. The condition of the climate during the culture cycle influences the components of the grain yield of flaxseed. The maximum and minimum temperature were negatively related to flaxseed grain yield under the conditions of the study. The Track Analyses allowed us to visualize the contribution of both chemical and physical attributes to the final production. Higher values �??�??of base saturation enhance flaxseed grain yield. Variables number of capsules, number of capsules that formed grains, number of grains per plant, population, and mass of grains per plant were the variables that determined grain yield.
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