Potential use of green banana biomass in the preparation of chocolate cake and salty pie

  • Taina Miranda Destro Centro Universitário Filadélfia
  • Helio Souza Junior Universidade Norte do Paraná https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9683-0655
  • Talita Gabrielli Lima Centro Universitário Filadélfia
  • Lilian Azevedo Miranda Faculdade INESUL
  • Marcia Pires Ferreira Centro Universitário Filadélfia
Keywords: Prebiotic, resistant starch, human nutrition, functional foods, food technology, antioxidant substances


The green banana biomass is a new product which has easy applicability in recipes, adding benefits to people's health because it is an ingredient high in resistant starch, recommended for prevention and support in the treatment of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, cancer, intestinal disorders, celiac disease etc. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential use of green banana biomass in the preparation of chocolate cake and salty pie. The biomass replaced part of the wheat flour used in the recipes at a ratio of 30% and 50% for the cake and pie, respectively. The green banana biomass, with and without skin, were analyzed for proximate composition. Tests were conducted ranking preference for the cakes and salty pies. The recipe for chocolate cake containing biomass with the peel was the most preferred (60%), and the traditional recipe was the least preferred (54%). In reference to the salty pies, among the most preferred samples, those containing biomass from the pulp of unripe banana came in first place (44%) and, among the least favorite, the traditional recipe prevailed (54%). In an analysis of purchase intention all the preparations had a good intention of purchase. Using the biomass of green bananas for the purpose of using it´s prebiotic property promotes the intake of a functional agent in food in a simple manner, giving rise to a new product.



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Author Biographies

Taina Miranda Destro, Centro Universitário Filadélfia

Departamento de Alimentos

Helio Souza Junior, Universidade Norte do Paraná

Departamento de Agronomia

Talita Gabrielli Lima, Centro Universitário Filadélfia

Departamento de Alimentos

Lilian Azevedo Miranda, Faculdade INESUL

Departamento de Alimentos

Marcia Pires Ferreira, Centro Universitário Filadélfia

Departamento de Alimentos


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How to Cite
Destro, T. M., Junior, H. S., Lima, T. G., Miranda, L. A., & Ferreira, M. P. (2021). Potential use of green banana biomass in the preparation of chocolate cake and salty pie. Agronomy Science and Biotechnology, 6, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.33158/ASB.r129.v6.2020